CS Fund brings our voice together with other funders to advocate for critical issues related to our grantmaking.
End the #ToxicAlliance with CropLife
June 2022
The 350 civil society and Indigenous Peoples organizations from 63 countries listed below represent hundreds of thousands of farmers, fisherfolk, agricultural workers and other communities, as well as human rights, faith-based, environmental and economic justice institutions. We are writing to express our deep concern over your stated plans to strengthen official ties with CropLife International. We strongly urge you to reconsider this alliance.
Deepening collaboration with CropLife, a trade association representing the interests of corporations which produce and promote dangerous pesticides, directly undermines FAO’s priority of minimising the harms of chemical pesticide use worldwide, “including the progressive ban of highly hazardous pesticides (HHPs).” It also undermines the principles set out in FAO’s Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management, and ties the agency with producers of harmful, unsustainable chemical technologies — relinquishing FAO’s role as a global leader supporting innovative approaches to agricultural production that promote the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security, sustainability and resilience.
Reliance on hazardous pesticides is a short-term fix that undermines the rights to adequate food and health for present and future generations, as stated in the 2017 report of the Special Rapporteur on the right to food.
Open Letter to Defend Democracy and the Rights of Palestinian Civil Society
November 2021
On October 19, 2021, six prominent Palestinian organizations were labeled as so-called “terrorist organizations” by the Israeli Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz. This designation criminalizes the work of these organizations and allows the closure of their offices, seizing of files and equipment, and arresting of staff members, as well as aiming to criminalize those who fund or support them in other ways.
Foundations and international donors play an essential role in supporting communities on the forefront of promoting social justice across the globe, particularly in areas where the wellbeing and human rights of marginalized peoples are most threatened. In Palestine, civil society organizations fill essential roles in providing services, advocating for human rights, protecting land and water resources, and speaking out against the ongoing occupation and violations of international laws.
Supporting BAMEMSA Communities: A Call to Action
September 2021
As we approach the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we all mourn the loss and pain of that day and its aftermath. As philanthropies and philanthropic serving organizations who support Black, African, Arab, Middle Eastern, Muslim, and South Asian (BAMEMSA)* communities deeply impacted by the response of the United States to 9/11, we want to reaffirm our commitment. They have been on the front lines of creating a just, multiracial democracy in the United States.
Concerns About Protected Areas Target in Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
August 2021
As philanthropic organizations committed to acting in solidarity with our partners and the shared vision we have for a bioculturally diverse world, we write to express concerns about Target 3 in the First Draft of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework, commonly referred to as 30 x 30, calling for 30% of the planet to be placed in protected areas or other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) by 2030. Recognizing that we are in the midst of ecological collapse and facing serious extinction events daily, we support calls for urgent and bold action to address the anthropogenic biodiversity and climate crises happening worldwide. However, in light of the history of the ‘protected areas’ approach, Target 3 is likely to be interpreted and implemented in ways that will lead to further human rights violations against Indigenous Peoples and local communities across the globe, and will be counter-productive to achieving the conservation goals we all share.
Re: CropLife International Partnership
November 2020
The 47 foundations, philanthropists, and donor networks listed below join with the more than 350 civil society organizations and farmer and food producer networks along with 286 academics, researchers, and scientists in raising profound concerns about the FAO’s announcement to formalize a strategic partnership with CropLife International, the global trade association for the agrochemical and agricultural biotechnology industry.
506 Philanthropic Leaders Say Do Not Cut the 2020 Census Short
August 2020
We write in response to the Census Bureau’s announcement that it intends to drastically cut short 2020 Census operations and subsequent, critical data improvement, processing, and review activities. We urge the Census Bureau to maintain its constitutional responsibilities to enumerate every household that has not responded on its own, in order to achieve a fair and accurate count.
A Call to Action: Philanthropy’s Commitment During COVID-19
March 2020
As leaders in philanthropy, we recognize the critical need to act with fierce urgency to support our nonprofit partners as well as the people and communities hit hardest by the impacts of COVID-19.
Re: S7-23-19 Procedural Requirements & Resubmission Thresholds under Exchange Act Rule 14a-8
January 2020
As 501c3 foundations, we are bound by law and policy to hold our assets in the public trust. One way we preserve and protect that trust is as shareholders. Indeed, shareholder proposals allow foundations to highlight and catalyze the resolution of environmental and social issues that impact both shareholder value and the achievement of our charitable missions. As such, the undersigned foundations, which represent approximately $406 million in annual charitable giving and $7.4 billion in owned assets, are deeply concerned about the proposed rule changes introduced by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on November 5, 2019.
Proposed National Park Service Regulations Would Drastically Curtail Freedom of Assembly in DC
October 2018
Over 140 philanthropic institutions and individual funders submitted the letter below to the National Park Service, urging the administration to not adopt these changes.
Comments on Proposed Information Collection on 2020 Census
August 2018
Over 300 grantmaking executives from across the country - an unprecedented number - join together to call for removal of the citizenship question on the 2020 Census survey.
Community Letter in Support of Nonpartisanship
September 2017
The undersigned organizations strongly oppose proposals that would politicize the charitable nonprofit and philanthropic community by repealing or weakening current federal tax law protections that prohibit 501(c)(3) organizations from endorsing, opposing, or contributing to political candidates.
Joint Foundation Statement on Immigration
February 2017
More than 200 philanthropic institutions have signed in support of this statement, representing local, state, regional, and national foundations from across the country.

ETC Group

Native American Food Sovereignty Alliance/Indigenous Seed Keepers Network

Government Accountability Project